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Arrival & Dismissal

To avoid accidents, please use the Entrance Only driveway (East) when arriving at Pima Butte and the Exit Only driveway (West) when leaving Pima Butte. As a reminder, cars may not park along Rancho El Dorado Parkway in front of the school.

At arrival, students report to the MPR; doors open at 8:05am and close at 8:32am. There is no staff supervision before 8:05am. Students arriving after 8:32 should be signed in through the front office.

When using the Drive Through, please pull past the MPR to the end of the fire lane (yellow star). If your child needs assistance getting in/out of the car, please park in a designated parking spot (do not block the lanes) and escort your child using the marked crosswalk at the front of the school. For safety reasons, students should never be unattended in the parking lot. Please follow all directions of staff stationed at crosswalks. Students who are designated as walkers should not be picked up in the parking lot or drive through.

Each student must have a current Dismissal Form on file with the Front Office so staff knows how your child goes home after school each day. Any student who will not be using their default (tagged) method of dismissal for the day will need to be picked up in the front office at dismissal time (3:35 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and 1:35 pm on Wednesdays and any other Early Release Day). Temporary dismissal changes should only be made in the event of an emergency and must be communicated in writing to the front office staff ( at least 1 hour prior to dismissal. Kindergarten and 1st grade students are not permitted to leave campus or unload from the school bus without being escorted or supervised by a responsible caregiver.

To minimize dismissal disruptions and ensure student safety, we request that you not pick up your child through the front office during the last half an hour of the school day (after 3pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and after 1pm on Wednesday/Early Release Days). Please meet your student at their designated dismissal location.

Map of PPBES with surrounding areas and crosswalks. Drive Through traffic enters from the east.


Bus transportation is available for students living in Cobblestone. Riding the bus is a privilege and we require best behavior at all times. Please arrive at your designated bus stop on time. To determine your bus route and stop, please visit Tyler's Versatrans e-Link and login with the following info: User Name: guest, Password: guest. Complete steps 1-2 to determine bus route and stop information. Bus route information is also available in ParentVue in the ‘Student Info’ tab: Red Bus Route  Yellow Bus Route