If your student will be absent from school, please notify the front office within 24 hours of the absence, preferably the same day. To reach our attendance line, please call 520-568-7154 or email PBESrecords@musd20.org and provide the following information:
- Parent(s) name & contact number (in case we need to reach you)
- Student's name
- Teacher
- Grade
- Reason for the absence
If your student is absent from school for 3 consecutive days or more due to illness, please submit a doctor's note to excuse the absence(s). Notes must be received within 24 hours of the student's return to school.
Please keep in mind, not all reasons for an absence are excused by the Arizona Department of Education (i.e. vacations/travel). Any unverified absence is an unexcused absence. Please try to schedule appointments for after school, on Wednesday early release days, or during school breaks.
The state of Arizona considers 5 or more unexcused absences as "habitually truant". When a student has missed 10% or 18 days of school, they are considered to have "excessive absences", regardless of whether their absences are excused or unexcused. According to the Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 15-802, you or your child could be cited for violation of these education laws.
You can see your child’s attendance record at any time in ParentVue. All MUSD schools send attendance notification letters to parents/guardians monthly after a student accrues 3, 5, 8, and 10 absences.